How to recover after an injury

Accidents and injuries happen all the time. They can occur at home, on the job site, when driving, or while playing sports. Nobody ever wants to be injured; however, if you are, it’s important that you have the right physical rehabilitation program in place with your doctor, physiotherapist, or other medical professionals who are needed to help you heal.

Although different types of injuries require different types of medical attention and treatment, there are some general rehabilitation ideas and practices that you should try to follow.

The importance of rest

After suffering an injury, you’re no longer 100%. So, it’s important that you slow down and take time to rest. Many people have an antagonistic relationship with rest.1 They worry that too much time in bed or on the couch will cause them to become out of shape.1 Or they’re so accustomed to being active that resting is actually difficult for them. But rest is so crucial; it’s essential that you give your body the time it needs to repair itself.

Commit to your rehab program

When recovering from an injury, it can take a long time to feel like your old self again. However, if you follow and commit to your physio program, you will likely see improvements a lot quicker. Make sure you follow your physical therapy routine — this can be easy during visits to the clinic, but more difficult when you’re at home.2 Also, be open to making adjustments to your recovery plan, especially if you notice any pain or if certain movements and exercises just don’t feel right.

Make sure you’re eating healthy

Make a point of eating healthy when you’re recovering from an injury, as the food you eat can determine how quickly you heal.3 It's been proven that your diet can improve the health and well-being of your body and mind.4 So try to focus on foods with: high protein content, essential fatty acids, vitamin C and antioxidants, lots of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin D.3    

Keep a positive mindset

Your positive mindset can have a significant impact on how your recovery goes. Try to use this time to reflect on your life, set new goals, or even find a new hobby.5 An injury should also not keep you away from your family and friends, so make sure you make time for them when you’re feeling up for it.

Protect your income

If you’re self-employed with no employer group benefits, it may be a good idea to get Disability Income Replacement Insurance. Because if you do suffer a serious injury which keeps you away from work, you’ll receive a monthly benefit payment. With this payment, you can focus your attention on getting better and not have to worry about your finances. Disability Income Replacement Insurance is particularly important when you consider the fact that one in three Canadians will be disabled for 90 days or more before age 65.6

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